Sunday, July 18, 2010


This program has been interrupted for the following newsflash...

Living Biggest Loser contestant goes AWOL over lack of weight loss...full details in the late night bulletin...

Melodramatic?? Perhaps but as you have no doubt ascertained by now I do have a flare for the dramatic...if I didn't I wouldn't be doing this now would I???


When we previously 'saw' our fat heroine she was plummeting towards an irreversible and permanent state of fat having been sucked into the vortex of a deep dark fat funk. Her trusty sidekicks - G-Star, Bastardo and Madster - were unable to overpower the gravitational pull of deep fried food, butter and chocolate on the Utopian planet of Noexercise.

OK so enough of the dramatic, here's how things have played out over the last few day...since talking to you last I have been luxuriating in the joys of not 'playing' the Biggest Loser for exactly one week and it has been say the least. Although I haven't been 'playing' per say I haven't completely thrown in the conscience and fat got the better of me and I refuse to let myself or you guys let's just say I took a much needed mental health break in the beautiful shopping city of Melbourne. I recognise that Melbourne is FULL of wonderful food temptation and to be perfectly blunt I have succumbed to some of that over the last few days (in spite of my histrionics I am only human after all!) But all in all I have been enjoying shopping, relaxing and sight seeing...eating is only something we do as a component of our day NOT the focal point of it. Thus I think I have handled my Winter Temptation quite doubt the deathdealers known as scales will have other ideas but we will cross that bridge once we get back to Brisbane!

I think I need to address the fat funk that you were all witness to, the whys and wherefores and the running foul of the deathdealers. After approximately 9 weeks my head rather than my body seemed to fail me. I recognise being the fathlete that I am I had sustained an injury by way of the strained calf muscle but other than that the body itself was holding up pretty well, even holding on to all its fat pretty well which basically was the problem. The 600g weight gain absolutely did my head in...and really in hindsight it shouldn't have...let's be honest, I haven't exactly been hitting the 4-6hour mark with my training and the food consumption has been cyclical to say the least. In essence, the fact that I am not yet under 100kg is at its very core my own doing...or lack of doing whichever way you want to look at it. I have really only been playing this 'game' in a half arsed manner and have reaped the lack of rewards...and for this I was feeling incredibly sorry for my fat little self.

Well no more people...Melbourne has reinvigorated me as has watching the finale of the US Biggest Loser series 4 (in which Bill won). I have had my doubts about the Australian series which I have voiced a number of times over the last 50 odd blog entries and my conclusion is now that the way the US runs their program is far more logical, healthy and long term. With this in mind I know it looks like I am changing the goal posts and in a way I suppose I am but from this point forward we are playing the US competition...what does this mean???

Well the way the US works the Biggest Loser is as follows:

16 week 'in-house' competition - which has eliminations each week etc etc
3 months or 12 weeks leaving the house competition until finale
In total it works out to be a 28week or approximately 7 months competition to lose the weight and become the Biggest Loser.

So, to date we (that is me) have been 'in' the house for approximately 10 weeks and although I am currently coming last I am still in with a fighting chance! Just to make this little experiment even more complicated for me, the G-Star and I are heading off for an overseas sojourn right in the middle of the 3 months to the finale...this should make for really interesting reading and weight loss/gain fodder!!

Not giving up the ghost on the Australian series, we still have two weeks of that competition to play out and see where, in the scheme of things, we end the moment we can safely assume that will be a dismal last...but lets not jinx ourselves people!!! In the meantime I am going to commence some fat reconnaissance to see just how things have played out for the Biggest Loser Australia contestants from previous series...

On a final note and food (excuse the pun) for thought...did you know that statistically speaking 90% of people who are successful at weight loss end up regaining more weight than they lost in the first place...sobering thought!

I'm back people and from here on to finale there is only one way...DOWN!!!

Yours in Melbourne Fatness


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