Friday, July 9, 2010

Week 9 - Friday 9 July

So Friday came and went like every other day at the a haze of pain, sweat and myself that is. From the inside out my life pretty much sucks at the moment even more so because every set of death dealing scales I stand on tell me that I am still...well...FAT!!!

FAT in and of itself is not a bad thing and I recently became aware that there is a whole academic discipline emerging entitled Fat area that I am obviously an expert in! And in a moment of sage reflection there has to be on some level a deep seeded desire in myself NOT to be fat hence this ridiculous experiment...but this is about more than just not being fat...this is about deconstructing a entertainment medium that I firmly believe sets fat people up for failure, this is about highlighting that no matter how much all we fatties may wish it there are no quick fixes to losing weight, this is to highlight that losing weight can be an expensive and time consuming endeavour and this is to highlight that fat/weight loss is at its very core...HARD!!!

Another thing I think we are all likely to discover along this...well road to the definition of success or better yet the definition of the moment thanks to my own mental short comings and the false expectations created by the Biggest Loser I currently feel FAILURE...hence my pitiful efforts this week on all fronts...

As I mentioned Friday, like every other day, started at Satan's Lair with a PT session with Bastardo:

Training Time:8.49am
Type of Session: PT
Length of Training Time: 35min 55sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 232
Cal Fat: 34%

That was just the warm up people...having missed the previously scheduled Stage 4 of the Tour de Fat due to, well....lack of commitment...this was it...a good portion of Team FAT (proudly sponsored by Lard,Butter and Ghee - the people's weight loss company) was lined up for Stage 4 - G-Star, Madster, Bastardo and Jan Jan were in the pack with me and we were ably led by the luscious Jess...pedal master:

Training Time:9.29am
Type of Session: Stage 4 - Tour de Fat
Length of Training Time: 47min 20sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 409
Cal Fat: 26%

Dismounting and walking like John Wayne...Stage 4 Tour De Fat...COMPLETE!!

As mentioned, the mornings always appear to get off to a good start and then we wain in an absolutely stellar was no different...that was it for the day...other than my afternoon reward (which to be honest for the last few weeks I haven't really deserved) I attended my standing appointment with my Masseuse...Mo (has the hand of a goddess!!)

Another Friday come and gone.....

Yours remaining in fatness


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