Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aussie Aussie Aussie...the word you're struggling to find is manners...

OK, so as you can imagine after the Fat and Bitter Paris Fashion Week debacle and a 24+ hour flight home from our Italian Viaggio...tired and cranky had emerged as the words dejour to describe myself and my trusty travelling companions G-Star and Madster...

Once again I need to digress and (for visual purposes think thought bubble over little fat Me's head) enter the world of my monologue aka soliloquy...

To premise this entry I would like to pose a what point in human evolution did it become acceptable to engage in any of the following activities:
1. Ram your trolley into the back of the person in front of you?
2. Call a complete stranger fat, ugly, repulsive etc
3. Get completely and staggeringly shit faced and punch, spit, bitch slap, vomit etc anyone, anywhere?
4. Ignore any and all accepted norms of social propriety, manners, courtesy etc etc
5. Look like a low priced street walker with a limited grasp of the English language and verbally insult a complete stranger for showing some level of consideration to other people?

Yes the list could go on an on....but I think in essence you get the picture of my confusion...but, you may well ask, from whence did this stem???

Well, back to our Australian mentioned after an incredibly long (and I mean LONG) flight no-one is looking or feeling their best (exceptions to this rule may be the bastards who can afford to travel first class but for the unwashed masses like my fat little was cattle all the way baby...cattle all the way)....

Having made our way through immigration and collected our now sizable amount of luggage from the carousel, we were heading to customs (being good global citizens we were declaring out box of Parisian chocolates and Limoncello)...The G-Star, Madster and myself were patiently waiting in the line that was being directed by the Customs Officer when a 'charming' piece of trailer trash decided that 'we' were not moving fast enough for her...the fact that the line wasn't moving at all was evidently beyond the mental capacity of said individual but I a consequence of our 'tardiness' said piece of trailer trash thought it socially acceptable to ram her trolley into the back of the G-Star with the eloquent demand to 'keep movin'...G-Star (who to my surprise was relatively calm) turned around and highlighted that given the line wasn't moving she wasn't going to be so rude as to ram her trolley into the back of someones leg...said unintelligent individual then let some diabolical diatribe of verbal diarrhea spew forth at G-Star (which the G-Star chose to ignore) but given I was, as previously mentioned a little tired and a lot cranky, I turned to said Hooka (I am obviously utilising African American slang which paints a better picture of the said individual we are discussing) and politely informed her that some people have manners and as such show a level of politeness when waiting in lines....well apparently this was a little too much for the Einsteinium individual who then chose to respond with (and I quote)..."What you call manners I call style which some of us have...given you are quite BIG it's no wonder you don't have any style..." Now I must admit, I was slightly caught off guard with being called fat by a complete stranger...this may seem somewhat surprising given I have an entire blog, twitter account and life dedicated to my fatness but being called fat by some piece of white trash hookaesk Neanderthal at the Brisbane international airport did, I must admit disconcert me.... so I guess you are wondering how I responded...minutes later I had ascribe numerous witty comebacks relating to her mental prowess (or lack their of), the fact that she obviously hadn't mentally developed beyond year 2 and calling the poor little fat girl fat and laughing at her, the fact that she obviously charged by the hour - and not that much given her appearance etc etc but alas, still being somewhat dumbfounded at being called fat by this cretinous piece of trailer trash I responded with the following 'This is really a sad welcome back to Australia if you're the first Australian we have come across..." To which she responded "Aussie, born and bred' to which I then responded with 'well that truly is a sad indictment on Australia..."...once again, English obviously not being said individuals strong point (I think it was the word indictment that confused) little Miss Hooka Trailer Trash then proceeded to spew forth the following "If I looked like you I wouldn't even step foot outside of me house....' and some such other equally intelligent and insulting verbal diarrhoea....the G-Star and Madster were both completely oblivious to all that transpired and the scene ended with the Hooka heading off to go through customs in another cue... you are a little the wiser as to my outburst regarding manners, appropriateness and acceptable sociable behaviour...I am hoping beyond hope that said individual is an exception to the rule and that we should pity her, her lack of education, her lack of earning/career potential, or lack of well any redeeming quality at all really and that people, and particularly women are far more evolved and advanced than this poor example of an 'Australian Woman''s hoping...

What did surprise me from a personal perspective was how affronted I was at being called fat...even though I am completely self deprecating and utilise the 'f' word in all of my correspondence and communications it really did shock and somewhat undermine me to be called fat by a complete stranger...I suppose the problem was, on reflection, that in societal terms, in spite of my efforts over the last 4+ months and having lost 13+kg, I am still in essence...FAT and considered to be so by society at large....this started me thinking about what is FAT??? Who defines what FAT is??? Is Fat size 14...size 16 or my current size 18??? Is fat a derogatory term that people (complete strangers) feel it is perfectly OK to spit out at unsuspecting 'fat' people in order to demean and embarrass...has FAT become the pinnacle of insults...worse than bitch....unintelligent/stupid/moronic etc etc

When did the word FAT gain so much social disdain that it hurts so much....

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