Monday, August 30, 2010

Fancifully Numb

One of the 'joys' of being a FAT person continues to be the constant battle (no not with discrimination...but I can assure you we will be getting to that) but with the associated health issues that have been shown to be attached to carrying the extra kilos...namely Type 2 Diabetes / Glucose Intolerance aka a shitty pancreas!!

For the last 7 plus years (thanks in large part to my ample girth) I have been walking the tenuous line of pre-diabetes. This combined with the no thyroid and no uterus renders most of my bits completely useless for my organ donation card but, what they hey...

Anyhoo, so today it was off for another Fasting Glucose Tolerance Test - the joyful experience of being stabbed three times in two hours and having to drink 300ml of green slime in order to tell whether or not my recent efforts at fat loss have indeed had any impact on my otherwise decrepit pancreas and its lack of proper this end, the title of my current posting goes some way to informing you all as to my current state of 'feeling' or lack there of....namely I look like a pin cushion, am cranky and am pondering that age old question of whether or not there is actually any organisation IN THE WORLD that actually sees customer service as a GOOD THING...

OK, why my ramblings have taken this turn you may well ask...and of course you know I am going to tell you...for those of you who have been fortunate enough to avoid the 'joys' of a FGTT you may be unaware that it is a little bit of a drawn out process...basically it's a fasting test (hence its name) so for 12 hours prior to the test food fatty! Then you have a sample of blood drawn, you have 5 minutes to drink a carbonated green sludge drink, wait an hour in a collection centre the size of a shoebox listening to the comings and goings, bodily functions, complaints, sex life, love life, work life...just life of the 'collection centre' staff, get more blood taken at the 1 hour point, sit back out in the cupboard waiting area for another hour, listen to more 'other people's problems - you down with OPP' sorry I digress with my white fat chick rapping and then at the 2 hour mark you have another suctioning of blood and are finally released into the 'world' a human pin cushion, numb with the senseless rambling of people you don't know and quite frankly couldn't give a shit about still echoing in you now completely food deprived brain!

On top of that I experienced this morning (in no particular order)...being called a man (one of the intelligent collection staff decided it would be really smart to make the observation that all the people waiting in the room for blood tests were men...I may not have a uterus but I can assure you, I am ALL WOMAN!), being told to 'sit down and wait ya turn....DON'T TAKE A NUMBER JUST SIT!!' from two rooms away whilst (I can only assume) some other poor victim was being butchered for their blood, been told my veins don't really 'work for them' and then being stabbed twice in the hand whilst still not finding a viable vein, being told 'if I HAVE to wee can I hurry up!!'...this is just a little snip-it of the morning I have just had on a completely empty stomach...suffice to say I think I will try another collection centre in the future!!

Anyhoo, am now enjoying a morning brunch at my favourite hang out - Symposium with the lovely boys (Ryan, Ben and Pauli) - have just had perfectly cooked boiled eggs (with a treat of grilled haloumi...I fucking deserve it people - that's right we are back to rewarding efforts with food...more about that later - after several long sessions with the Shrink, I am sure) and savouring the perfect half strength skinny latte in a mug.

I have also been devising a bit of a plan for the 'Waging War' Project I have embarked upon with the 'fitness' industry or should that be 'fatness industry' (all suggestions, recommendations and comical relief from followers will be warmly welcomed!)

I will be visiting my illustrious Endocrinologist next Monday and will publish the results of the farce that was this Monday morning...he may even provide some comic relief with comments for thought.

Any who, feedback, comments, input will be warmly welcomed and rest assured you will all be along for the ride as my Fat Campaign continues to percolate and formulate over the next few days...

Until then...fight the good fat fit fight

Your F'Athlete - Fit Fat Crusader

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