Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 13 - Day 4 Thursday 5 August

I realise there appears to be some discrepancies in my story for week 13...namely that hideous concept of work that the G-Star seems determined to inflict upon me...

Well you see, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your way of thinking) my lovely little head Cheer Leader and Team Da Phat member, the Madster had been left to her own devices whilst the G-Star and I trudged off to work on Monday and Tuesday. Now I know the Madster is a big girl and all but sometimes a girl needs their mum and on Tuesday afternoon feeling excessively under the weather the Madster needed her mum...coming home after a long day's learning and finding the Madster in no fit state to go to work (at her part-time job) and worse no fit state to cook for me!!! It was agreed that for the next couple of days the Madster required some mummy TLC...the result...a pass from working the rest of the week (at least for the time being) and some dedicated mummy time as well! So that's the why and wherefore of how I came to be thrown into the fat tamers hands on the Wednesday!

On to today...I realise we haven't really talked about it much other than to mention my Vita Wheat and Milo meltdowns but I think I should possibly get you up to speed as to how the food / diet has been established over the past 12 weeks. In preparation of this experiment I purchased a range of Biggest Loser paraphernalia including cook books and treat tips as well as joining the on-line Biggest Loser Club. In the first few weeks I attempted to struggle my way through consuming the Biggest Loser shakes as a meal replacement in order to 'hit' the 1200 calories that 'the Club' had set down as my intake goal (based on the stats that had been put in to thier system). In spite of the incredible support and cheffing skills of my Madster the food has, is and continues to be a daily source of struggle for me in this insanity.

Having discussed my dietary measures with the Washinator it was agreed that at this pointy end of the 'game' it would be worthwhile to investigate the option of a dietitian to provide some insight and direction in the diet side of this equation...enter the red headed firecracker known as Lauren 'the food guru' Nugent...

So before we get to meet Lauren I really should take you through the day as it progressed...

As mentioned in the previous blog, the new 'Wash'ing' schedule includes a cardio session first thing in the morning (or at least what constitutes first thing for me...7am) so dragging my sore and very fat sorry arse out of bed I headed off to Satan's Lair for the first 'session' of punishment to be delivered for the day....and of course it had to be our least favourite piece of sadomasochistic equipment...The DREADMILL.

Interestingly enough the session on the Dreadmill which lasted for approximately 76mins (give or take toilet breaks and as a factual representation of the previously afore mentioned concept that the Washinator is unable to tell the time) was interesting and challenging at the same time. The session including attempting to 'jog/run' for longer stretches at a time...made it to 6mins in one stint at about 7km/ addition to this we also did sprints (30 sec on 40 sec off) and delivered a PB of 12km/h sprint...throw in some quick walks and a few hills and the time didn't fly by but rather crawled at an agonising pace delivering me ever closer to a washed up pool of sweat on Satan's Lair's finely polished floor. Apparently, and a new innovation for me is the 'reward' for my hard work of a stretch session delivered guessed it...the maniacal one! I really am yet to realise the 'reward' aspect of this area of our 'sessions' as it basically rendered me in foetal position sucking my fat thumb crying and screaming profanities that include the likes of 'F**K OFF!!!"

Anyhoo...crawling out of Satan's Lair the day was busy, busy, busy with doctor's appointments running around and meeting with Lauren the 'food guru'...

Now it is fair to say I am pretty cynical when it comes to 'dietitians' the majority of whom I have ever come across look like caricatures of stick insects with personalities to match (apologies to any readers who are dietitians!) This however is not the first impression you get from Firecracker Nugent aka Lauren who has a healthy and one might say realistic outlook on food and the fat person...

So taking along the trusty Madster to fill in gaps and ask questions the hour session with Lauren was productive, enlightening and somewhat depressing given that I have in all likelihood done more harm than good with the minimalist approach to food intake over the last 12 weeks...

Another not so good piece of news is that things will probably get worse before they get better because at this point we (that is me) have to reset my metabolism which (as the last four weeks of limited fat movement has clearly evidenced) has drawn to a grinding halt in spite of whatever exercise or output efforts I have made.

To this end, the new eating regime includes a solid balance of carbs, protein and fruit/veg from a variety of sources all lovingly prepared and presented by my personal Chef...the Madster.

Following my session with Lauren it was off to Satan's Lair for my second PT session with the Washinator...not as hideous (on a sliding scale) as the previous day but still unpleasant!

All in all a productive, challenging and tiresome to bed....

Yours in fatness and dietary information


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