At the moment I seem to only be able to get some sort of exercise rhythm in the morning...can't seem to put my finger on what that's about. Wednesday started with a bang and he determination to finally hit the 4hour exercise mark for the first time! Kicked off with a joint PT session with the G-Star (and the ever faithful Rodrigo Hellfire Mistress of Darkness) which was, to say the least, GRUELLING! He's upped the anti big time on the cardio and is making uncoordinated fat person run - very uncool!
The morning's workout delivered the following results (according to the trusty Polar Heart Rate monitor):
Training Time:8.12am
Length of Training Time: 59minutes 23sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 597
Cal Fat: 25%
Not a bad start... so following the PT session the illustrious G-Star and I back up with a cardio session in the pool.
There has been a lot of bad press about swimming as a form of exercise (when compared to treadmill, bikes etc). Can't say I buy into the fit and fabulous position of this for a number of reasons...
When your fat, as previously mentioned numerous times, exercise in the majority of traditional way, shapes and forms not only intimidate but they actually scare the living beejesus out of you for a whole raft of reasons. Humiliating oneself in front of the fit and fabulous really is only the beginning. The thought of pain, no matter what intensity scares most fatties witless. Combine this with the mental, physical and emotional barriers...fear of failure, fear of hurting yourself, fear of embarrassing yourself, fear of looking like a fat over ripe tomato with arms and legs, fear of letting yourself down, fear of letting someone else down...fear, fear, fear...the result? Complete and utter inaction, food - to comfort those feelings of terror and low and behold...your in the fat people's section of Myer unable to find any Big is Beautiful clothing (if that's what you can call it cause it sure as hell isn't fashion) to fit you!
This is where I firmly believe swimming can become a 'buoy' so to speak...alright so you have to once again humiliate yourself and get a special order of swimwear in at the local Swimeroo (shock horror they don't actually stock Speedos in size 22/24) and yes being seen in public in a swim suit (no even black is not slimming in a one-piece) does take the dignity into the sewer and beyond but there is a certain freedom, weightlessness and sense of achievement that comes from thrashing up and down that lane and getting your heart rate up!
So backing up for a swim with the G-Star was actually not a bad thing. Water was freezing (heated pool my arse) but once in and moving things always seem to look better...time to think...time to just be
The result of this cardio effort:
Training Time:9.43am
Length of Training Time: 55minutes 43sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 874
Cal Fat: 11%
Not a bad morning's effort even if I do say so myself! Seemingly on track for my first 4 hour day!
That's when things kinda started going a little off track... G-Star was having a BIO Age test done at 1pm so I thought it would be good to back up and do some more cardio at the gym while she was getting the test done. Session was shorter than I wanted (taking the Maddie to lunch so had to be on time!) and did burn some calories (some is always better than none) but that's where the day's effort stopped. I had grand plans to take in a Yoga class or do some more time on the treadmill but after a nice lunch, feeling a little sleepy, a little sore really not that much desire to do any more for the day. I am starting to see this as a bit of a PM curse - let's call it my bewitching hours (after 12.00noon I turn into a bigger fat pumpkin!).
Having said that, my short sharp cardio session resulted in:
Training Time:12.47pm
Length of Training Time: 33minutes
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 327
Cal Fat: 23%
In total my Wednesday efforts resulted in:
TOTAL Training Time: 2hours 28min 6sec
TOTAl Training Deficit for the day: 1hour 32min (give or take).
So, I'm thinking I need to find some inspiration and knowledge and the best place to get that is from someone who has lived the experience, Biggest Loser Style. Hence, my quest for knowledge begins...
Yours in fatness
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