The weigh in saw a weight loss of 3.2kg which now brings me to 106.2kg. In terms of the competitions, the weekly outcomes play out like this:
Australian Competition Series 5 (2010)

US Competition Series 9 (2010)

So put in perspective, I am once again in the elimination for the Australian series (but obviously my vibrant personality and the fact that I'm such a people person will save be for another week) and am looking pretty competitive in the US comp.
All in all a fairly positive day and the ever elusive 100kg barrier is looking more and more viable. The Bastardo was hoping I pulled a bigger amount but he is rather please that we have had a solid week.
So it's time to step it up another notch for week 4 - I'm in this game and am in it to win. Week four is going to see me introduce the weekly 'challenge'. To the best of my ability we will try to replicate the challenges delivered to the Australian and US contestants on a weekly basis from here on in. As far as temptation goes the fact that I am attempting to do this sans the Biggest Loser Camp or Ranch is temptation enough. So with that in's onwards and downwards (one would hope!)
Yours in fatness
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