First point of business for the day was cardio by way of a swim! Never seem to mind this as a start to the day! Love my little Spring Hill Baths (supposedly heated - but at the moment that is really questionable!). I went with the determination to do 45mins hard core cardio and short of drowning, losing an eye to an errant flipper or emptying the pool of all water on entry I was bloody going to do 45mins.
I'm pleased to report that my new found commitment (which had obviously gone AWOL - in hiding under my fat no doubt on Monday) was back in check, eye on the prize and a need to drop at least 5kg this week to get myself back into the game.
Following my efforts at the pool, I went straight to PT with Rod (aka Bastardo my personal Hellfire Mistress of Darkness). Well, let's just say the Rodrigo has decided (no doubt with the B-Man's encouragement) to take it up a notch so to speak. Obviously week one was a lulling me in to a false sense of security because he has sure as hell upped the anti for week two.
Has anyone ever really considered why fat people don't go to gyms? I really think there is a PhD Thesis just waiting to be researched in answer to that one. Let me give you a little bit of insight as to why a fatty like me has never been a gym bunny...
Have you ever been witness to a fat person attempting to exercise? Well of course if you're a Biggest Loser fan (aren't we all) we have all witnessed the ritual humiliation of a select group of fat individuals for our entertainment pleasure. However, when you actually put yourself into that game, ritual humiliation doesn't begin to cover how a fat person feels when training at a gym. Not only do you feel FAT (that's a given) but you also feel self conscious (seeing your fat flying all over the place in very unnatural ways is a little bit of a buzz kill), you are sweating like the proverbial, you're bright red, you can't feel your legs, arms or face for that matter and guess what, at the end of a session...YOU'RE STILL FAT!
This has lead me to my first epiphany of sorts...when you are fat AND attempting to lose weight you cannot afford to have any dignity! Dignity, unfortunately, like decent and fashionable clothes is the purvey of the fit and fabulous. For now, dignity is out the window and it is sweat, fat wobble, throwing up, red faced cheer for me whilst at the gym!
With another new purchase for my weight loss competition under my belt (well just under my boobs to be precise as that's where the heart rate monitor needs to fit) I have been able to track my exertion efforts over the last week and a half.
Polar Heart Rate Monitor: $199.00 + $15.00 p/h
So my efforts for the swim and gym session amounted to the following:

However, in order to in some way make up for my piss poor effort on Monday I then stupidly decided to back up for another PT session with the Hellfire Mistress of Darkness and the G-Star. Sometimes it does actually amaze me at what the human body can do...with a little more determination and a fixed point to achieve for week two and to actually get myself competing in this game, I pulled through (unattractively) a second PT session for the day.
OK so I still haven't hit the 4-6hour daily exercise regime and am almost through week two and this is a little concerning. Not sure what mental and physical hurdles I need to overcome to get myself into the 4-6hour zone but will need to pull something out of the fat and do it fast.
On a final note, another purchase for the day was joining the Biggest Loser Club ($99.00 for three months). The first run through the 'Club's' introduction (given by Alison from Season 3 or 4 can't remember) pissed me to tears.
I find it hideously hypocritical of the Biggest Loser 'celebrities' having 'played the game' and lost masses of weight on a weekly basis for as long as they were in the 'house' to turn around and lecture the fat, overweight, obese individuals who hold them up as some kind of weight loss icon on the importance of losing weight SLOWLY - 0.5 - 1.0kg a week - 'let me show you what that looks like' patronising B***H!
Apparently only those 'lucky' handful of individuals who have been selected for national daily humiliation on a commercial network are 'allowed' to aim for masses of weight loss on a weekly basis!
Anyway more on the Club as I get to understand it a bit better and can hopefully link it to the blog!
The final roundup of Tuesday was as follows:
Training Time Total: 2 hours 28 minutes and 6 secs
Total Calories Burnt: 1798
Daily Training Deficit: 2 hours 32 minutes (give or take)
Really need to get into a different head space if this is going to work the way it needs to for me to be in the 'game'!
Yours in fatness
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