First Week Training: Well haven't been able to hit the 4-6hours as espoused by Bob from the American Biggest Loser but gave it a good old college try! Averaged about 2.5-3hours training over six days (Monday 10 May to Saturday 15 May) - training included one PT session daily with the Evil Hellfire Mistress - Rodrigo and cardion which included swimming and walking.
First Week Eating: This was a bit of a problem area for me because unlike being in the actual 'Biggest Loser House' my entire week saw me confronted by temptation. This is an interesting aspect of 'the competition' that really grates on my nerves. The 'Oh Woe Is Me' crap that the remaining contestants dribble out when people get sent home to their families while they remain in 'THE HOUSE' being spoon fed with calorie controlled, chef prepared cooking, gym access 24 hours a day and personal trainers on tap! So the week was on-going food temptation with social occassions, catch up with friends and family dinner. On this front, I did my best...probably not at good as the in-house contestants but all the same was far more conscious of what was going in (in terms of food)!
The end of my first week in the house saw rest day on Sunday and weekly weigh in:
Starting Weight 112.0kg
Week One: 109.6
Loss: 2.4kg
Percentage Weight Loss: 2.14%
So where does this put me in the game... LAST BY A LONG SHOT!

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