The goal for this week given the absolutely piss poor returns from last week is 7kg to actually get myself competing in this bloody game.
Mentally it's a tough call - up at 5am to the gym by 6am - cardio and PT til 8am then off to the pool. Swim from 9.15am to 10.15am and then attempt to get all the normal chores done for the day - whilst ensuring that food intake and ingredients for dinner are all sorted. Back to the gym at 4pm for another cardio session, drop kids where they need to be and make dinner - by comparison I think actually being 'in' the house sounds like bliss!
Anyway, have overcome one demon...the four hour train. Now we need to up the anti even more. Tomorrow - 5 hours in total and at this level for the rest of the week!
Am also currently attempting to get a full on website together for this little experiment, organise all the relevant paraphernalia for the shrine (read as ritual humiliation on a minute by minute basis) at the gym as well as attempt to entertain all with this insanity on the's time to defy gravity!
Am also working on a workout play list for everyone to consider (hopefully will be able to have this up on the website) as well as recipes that seem to be working for me.
Ran into the B-Man this afternoon and had to embarrassingly tell him about the pitiful 200g loss for week 2...B-Man is determined to see me running (constantly) on the treadmill before the week is out!
Other than that the day has come and gone in a blur of sweat, fat wobbling and almost tears and bed is looking extremely inviting. Hopefully will be more cognisant and humorous for tomorrow's efforts but until then...
Yours in fatness

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