Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week 3 - Saturday 29 May

Well as week three of the social insanity draws to a close I feel, unfortunately, once again, that I have let myself down. Although some days throughout the week were a significant improvement I have had a few too many below average days. Today was yet another one of those with only a piss poor 1hour of training for the entire day.

Training Time:8.11am
Length of Training Time: 1 hour 10min 35sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 714
Cal Fat: 25%

In addition to this minimal effort, temptation came a knocking yet again and I opened the door nice and wide and said a fat hello and come on in! Dinner was bought out (a regular occurrence in our household) and just to see how far I could fall we decided to go to Freestyle (the dessert restaurant) for both dinner and dessert! My main was the best of a really bad caloric bunch that being a calamari salad, stuck to water for drink but then the undoing came with the sticky date pudding. My 'sins' were halved to some extent by the G-Star who shared the decadence with me but none the less - willpower none: fat stores 1.

As the weeks go on I am questioning more and more the 10kg, 15kg loses that are pulled in the Biggest Loser House in any given week. Either my body is completely f***ed and thinks we are in famine and I need to store fat for the next one hundred years or something I am doing here just doesn't line up with Camp Biggest Loser or the Ranch - obviously more investigation necessary.

With weigh in looming a mere few hours away I am not all that hopeful of the outcome - another piss poor week will really do my head in! Need to spend my 'day off - Sunday' starting to re-group and re-think the strategy here if I have any chance in this competition at all.

Yours in fatness


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