Thursday, June 3, 2010

Week 4 - Thursday 03 June

Well today's efforts are a significant improvement on the week that far. Coming off the low base of Spewsday and Wednesday, I recognised that I really do need to take it up a notch or 10 if I am really going to get the results needed to 'win' this competition. But I really do need to digress...I've noticed over the last few weeks at Satan's Lair aka The Gym that a constant stream of young, fit and fabulous have been traipsing through on their way to getting 'their hours' to become personal trainers...with this I have, oh well, several thousand issues!

OK, obviously I am getting...don't say it....old but for f**ks sake what do these infants know about the lived fat experience? What life lessons do they bring to their personal training 'expertise' to assist overweight and obese people to cope with the complexities and indignities of being fat and trying to lose weight? Their 'youth' and 'beauty', their 'fit' and 'fabulousness' are yet another reminder to the fundamentally fat that...well...your not fit, fabulous or young (I may be fat but thank the gods I am attractive! Modest too!!) Has the world gone mad (this is obviously a rhetorical question)...Of course it has when you have people barely out of puberty telling fat people how to lose weight - that and the fact that a pre-pubescent boy with the body of a six year old girl (Justin Beiber) is seen to be a sex symbol!

With this condemnation I am pleased to announced that fat little ol' me is going to do something about it. Over the next few weeks I (with the incredible support and commitment of the G-Star) am establishing the Women's Fat Club. The WFC is going to be a support group specifically designed for overweight and obese women to meet, talk, cry, scream and learn things from other fatties that will help them and support them to take up the hideous challenge of losing weight. Keep a watch on the blog for more details about meeting times etc.

So having spat my bile for the day about certain aspects of the fit and fabulous...we will move on to my actually activities for the day...

Training Time:6.21am
Length of Training Time: 40min 10sec
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 417
Cal Fat: 23%

Training Time:7.07am
Length of Training Time: 45min 08sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 367
Cal Fat: 34%

Training Time:11.08am
Length of Training Time: 1 hour 09sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 537
Cal Fat: 30%

Training Time:3.58pm
Length of Training Time: 1 hour 07sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 582
Cal Fat: 26%

Another cruel joke that appears to be played on the fat is that the more exercise you do, the less calories you burn because apparently being fit fat is yet another indignity we fatties have to bear...the scales don't reflect the effort but you now have to work four times as hard to burn the same amount of calories...gee thanks for that!

With three days left in this training week (have pushed out weigh in day due to Spewsday and the fact that on the show they actually weigh in on day 8 with 7 full training days) I am still hopeful of pulling a big week???

The ever elusive under 100kg is an on-going reminder of where I am and where I haven't been for a very long time! That and the fact that I had to go to fat people's in Myer today to attempt to find something to wear to a black tie dinner (just wrap me in a sack and call me couture) saw the day mentally end on a bit of a downer.

Ate out for dinner but appear to have finally gotten some control over THAT temptation...shared a wholemeal chicken breast and low fat cheese pizza with the G-Star and lashed out on a few slices of Turkish bread with olive dip. Hopefully over the next few days I will finally be able to start including my food diary and calorie count for everyone to review and comment me, it's a work in until then...

Yours in fatness


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