Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 6 - Thursday 17 June

You know some days you just don't feel like it...whatever it may be...most of us have days where the thought of going to work simply renders us unable to move, speak or even remotely resemble a human being in any way shape or form...well this was pretty much the morning I woke up to...I haven't been sleeping well...I don't know certainly can't be stress...Yes I admit that I am even dreaming Biggest Loser but I can assure you that has more to do with the luscious Jillian (and given this is a PG blog I really can't elaborate) than some sub-conscious anxiety relating to this insanity that I have embarked upon.

Not sleeping well I am finding is really adversely affecting my mental state and as a result my training suffice to say given we weren't due for a PT session with Bastardo until the afternoon, the morning was spent, well pretty much doing f**k all. Pottered around the house, talked myself out of actually doing any exercise...too tired...too cranky...already done too much this know the story, we've been here before in the last few weeks...even copped a mid-morning Nana nap...but before I could lower myself to the level of watching Oprah I actually decided enough was enough and put on my togs and headed to the pool...once again the pool was freezing but in spite of that I cracked out a whopping (at least for me) 3km which resulted in the following:

Training Time:2.13pm
Length of Training Time: 1hour 07min 43sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 580
Cal Fat: 27%

Unfortunately (or fortunately whichever way you might want to look at it) I had to head straight to Satan's Lair for a training session with the I know that I have mentioned previously that the Bastardo has (to my way of thinking) upped the anti somewhat over the past few days but I think that is...well basically...A F***ING UNDERSTATEMENT. As previously mentioned, he is trying to kill me (and take the G-Star along for the sadistic ride) if over the next few weeks you read my obituary in the Trashy Mail...point the police in his direction (you have been warned Rod!!!)

As usual, not satisfied with sucking all the oxygen from my brain and rendering me virtually comatose... the Bastardo decided that I evidently also required a strong dose of cardiac arrest on the dreadmill...the result...death by exercise and the following:

Training Time:4.01pm
Length of Training Time: 51min 34sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 483
Cal Fat: 25%

So having crawled my way out of Satan's Lair in a pool of sweat and tears (saying good-bye to the other illustrious staff of Satan's Lair - the Marcinator and Psycho- there is no way in hell I'm doing your RPM class- Jess) I headed home somewhat satisfied that I had actually gone some way to redeeming what had started out as being a pretty lack lustre day...

Yours in fatness


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