Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 7 - Thursday 24 June

This is crap! This week has been an even bigger unmitigated disaster than any of the weeks before and to be perfectly honest...I'm over it, I want to wake up tomorrow and be 60kg, have the body of a goddess and never have to think about calories again...obviously I am currently delusional but work with me here people!

Weight loss sucks...and on some days it sucks more than food has been shot to hell, for three days this week I have been over my 1200 calorie quota....I haven't been eating crap per say, just eating too much of things like wholemeal Vita Wheats with butter (mmmm butter) and well I still haven't gotten over the frittata debacle of 2010...I am still diabolically unable to reach more than 2hours training a day...I promise myself, I threaten myself, I cajole myself...I fail myself...

This brings me to the idea of interesting concept and one that is all too rarely found in today's society...yes, yes I am about to wax lyrical again but come along for the know you want to...

Once again, I had attempted to structure my day in such a way as to achieve at least a 3 hour exercise day...PT...Cardio....Yoga....Run

Did the PT....

Training Time:6.48am
Length of Training Time: 37min 11sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 284
Cal Fat: 30%

Did the Cardio

Training Time:10.24am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 02min 06sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 529
Cal Fat: 30%

So it was off to Yoga may not sound like a Biggest Loser workout but in terms of conditioning a fat person's body it is great for flexibility and also has a meditative value that cannot be underestimated when you are torturing your body on a daily basis (or at least torturing it in principle).

The G-Star, who is currently working full time for a client of ours, had actively attempted to promote health and wellness in terms of a work this end she had arranged for the staff to be offered a 6 week Yoga for Beginners (1hour per week) for an amazing price of $ addition to this, the Star had been able to convince the CEO to allow any staff who wanted to do the Yoga an hour off (not docked out of their time or pay) to actively work on their health and well being... Well several weeks ago when the G-Star started to organise this there was a resounding 'Hell YES!' from the staff...there were 10 committed and the Madster and I were going to round (literally on my part) out the numbers for the class. So a little excited at the prospect of undertaking a Yoga lesson that wouldn't see me huddled in the corner in a foetal position sucking my fat thumb...the Madster and I headed off to Yoga.

This is where we get to the Fat Guru's little lecture about commitment and consideration for other people's time and efforts...About 20mins before Yoga was due to start and the instructor had just arrived, the G-Star went to get changed and ran in to two of the supposed 'starters' for the class...the G-Star with her keen sense of observation noted that these individuals had not bothered to move from their sedentary positions at their desks and casually reminded them that Yoga was about to kick which, one of the ignorant individuals informed the G-Star that 'the bunch of them had decided that the Yoga was too expensive, they couldn't afford it so they decided they were just not gunna turn up...'

As you can imagine the G-Star was, well to put it as mildly as possible, ENRAGED...not only had these ignorant and manner less individuals f**ked around with her time and energies but they had not given one shit about the Yoga Instructor's time, travel etc...the fact that these people had made 'a commitment' to attend obviously meant absolutely nothing and to add insult to injury they don't even possess the common manners or courtesy to actually have the guts to come and tell the G-Star of their lack of character...So what does this actually mean for fat little me...NO YOGA...A LIVID G-STAR and no calories burnt...thank you to all those really COMMITTED people who don't give a shit about anyone else except themselves!

So how does this have relevance to fat ol' me and what I am trying to achieve...I have attempted to deconstruct this in the best way I possibly can and what it comes down to is that I feel really disappointed in myself and this least to my way of thinking has been limited and I haven't been giving due consideration to the fact that there are a lot (and I mean A LOT) of people who have invested in me and this idea...My sense of failure stems from the fact we are nearing the end of week 7 and to date I have lost a measly 9kg...this compared to the actual Biggest Loser contestants who have lost upwards of 20,30,40kg leaves me feeling...well...

I'm sure you are all bored to death of my waxing lyrical about my failure, my lack of success, I will wallow in my own self pity on my own time...need to round out the day...

Following the Yoga fiasco (except for the WONDERFUL Sue who was ready and raring to go and was let down and disappointed like the G-Star and myself) I made it back to Satan's Lair for an afternoon run with Bastardo:

Training Time:3.06pm
Length of Training Time: 30min 13sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 289
Cal Fat: 23%

Once again I am not hopeful of cracking it (the 100kg mark) this week...quite the contrary...I'm feeling excessively bloated and very underdone...the only hope is that I haven't put on any weight for this week...

Yours in miserable fatness


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