0.2kg THAT'S RIGHT 200 f***ing grams!
Does that about cover it for you? Certain questions racing through my mind at the moment include...
'What the F**K?'
'Why does my body hate me?'
'I should go back to being fatter!'
'Under 100kg...yeh not in this lifetime!'
'What am I doing wrong'
Is it that I am discovering that Biggest Loser weight loss is actual only the purvey of those few 'lucky' individuals who get to enter Camp/Ranch Biggest Loser. Is it that with the pressures of 'life' weight loss Biggest Loser style is not possible for the ordinary fat human being?
Let's break it down in terms of the 'competition': As you can see I am a dismal last in both the Australian and US (and yes would be relying on my vibrant personality, wit and charm to save me from certain elimination).
Australian Competition - Week Four

US Competition Week 4

I would really like to know how some of these people are pulling 23kg in one week? Admittedly O'Neil hadn't lost any weight in the first three weeks but COME ON!
Where's my bloody 23kg or even my 10kg...I would even be happy with a 6kg...5kg...4kg anything of even the mildest significance but 200g - that's just SHIT!
In terms of my competition 'plan' let's just say that is completely F***ed! The idea was to 'win' the competition I would have to pull on average 3.2kg (approx) per week - so doing the math that should mean that by week 4 I should be weighing in at 99.08kg - obviously I'm NOT!
My mind, my body, my plan...it's all going to hell in a hand basket. What the F**K????
Yours in miserable, angry fatness
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