Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 13 - Day 5 Friday 6 August

Mornings are shit...that's right people shit! And the hardest part of the morning is rolling over, looking at the clock and realising that you have 15mins to get dressed and to Satan's Lair for an hour plus of unmitigated punishment at the hands of an exercise crazed maniac...welcome to Friday!

Once again the dreadmill was the order of the morning but with more of a focus on longer 'running' stints...can it be called running?? Perhaps a fast or moderately paced waddle is more accurate but I digress...anyhoo the session went for one hour Washinator time which equates to approximately 80+ minutes including some bicycle work, cool down and torture (stretches Washinator style). The old 'war' injury appears to be niggling me a bit at the moment but the Washinator is working through that...gee how grateful am I that he is a qualified nurse...NOT!

The day played out with work and exercise basically...nothing too interesting just painful really. Walking seems to be an optional extra in my life at the moment as is being able to feel major parts of my body without being in excruciating pain...ho hum poor fatty!

Afternoon session involved PT - leg work backed up by an RPM - Stage 7 of the Tour De Fat...Team Da Phat appears to be waining pretty badly at the moment (probably time to do some serious recruitment...any interest people???) So it was down to the Madster and myself...and to be honest I did the 'toilet break' on track 5 (the climbing track) because well basically...I'm piss weak!

Stage 7 - partially completed it was off to dinner and attempting to pretend I can at least act like I can move like a normal person in my still not fitting well size 18 jeans (thanks for that G-Star).

All in Elton John once said...I'm still crawling (or was that standing...)

Yours in continued waddling fatness


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