Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 9 - Tuesday 6 July

Surprisingly enough pulled up rather well from yesterday's efforts, I may look like I am getting a full calf/shin tattoo due to the dye that is coming out of my calf brace but other than that, things are progressing. Alright to be perfectly honest the arse is somewhat sore in spite of the fat person gel seat being used in RPM but as they say NO PAIN NO GAIN or should that really be NO PAIN NO LOSS - because if I gain any weight people I may well go postal!!

There seems to me to be a bit of a challenge in getting a balance between high intensity torture (exercise) and watching every ounce and calorie that goes into your mouth on a minute by minute basis...at the moment I seem to be able to do either one or the other really well...last week it was the food...this week the exercise...so to be perfectly honest had a bit of a Vita Wheat and butter melt down this afternoon/evening. That combined with a double helping of the Madster's low fat Chocy Cake and the caloric deficit for the day was not all that impressive!

But let's work through it for blogging purposes:

Training this morning was brutal, cruel and unusual and lasted an extra 15 minutes resulting in a 45min session with the Bastardo:

Type of Session: PT
Calorie Burn: 238

The plan for the day was at least another two sessions and given the Madster has become your quintessential Gym Junky and was heading in to do a step class with the Trev, I though it opportune to attempt a cardio session. Now given that running is off the agenda at the moment and as you can imagine I am completely devastated about that :) the Bastardo has developed a little torture set he calls Cardio Hell...this fine little piece of satanism consists of the following:

10 minutes on treadstepper (hard to explain even harder to do!)
5 minutes on the Cross Trainer (backwards and pyramid down from level 15)
5 minutes on the Rower

We then repeat this little water boarding oops sorry I mean work out for another set...and then if we haven't collapsed in a pool of our own sweat, for a third time...suffice to say haven't quite made it to number 3 as yet!

So, the Cardio Cane resulted in the following:

Type of Session: Torture
Calorie Burn: 505

Following a bit of an unplanned lunch out (those Turkish bread wraps are a killer!) the fat little body and mind was waining to the point of a much needed Nana nap...unfortunately following the Nana nap, the body and more importantly the mind had completely shut down and there was no awakening the fat little devil...so the day was done!

Well not quite, apparently my fat little mind and body went into food/hunger overdrive and our low caloric Pizza treat was not enough to quell the fat angry little beast...result...really bad caloric intake day with no where near enough output to justify it....my Biggest Loser Gospel informs me that the day resulted in a caloric deficit of 1175....the destruction of the fridge and pantry was ugly people...ugly....

Loss of leg looking highly likely in order to reach the elusive under 100kg people...loss of leg....

Yours in fatness


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