Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week 8 - Thursday 01 July

Into another month and having started this fiasco in May it's been an interesting few months! The day started like all others...although I'm a little nervous as we are going out with some good friends tonight to Morrocan/Turkish and come fat or death I AM NOT GOING TO BLOW MY CALORIC INTAKE...I have been sooooooo good this week thus far and for once I am actually feeling a bit chuffed with myself!!!

So the day started out like every can become a little monotonous was up and off to Satan's Lair for our morning PT with the Bastardo. Now I haven't previously mentioned but I appear to be carrying a bit of an injury at the moment in my right leg (shin and calf) which is hampering my efforts to some extent. But more about this later... the morning session was a cardio weight orgy of pain with the Hellfire Mistress Bastardo taking ample pleasure in the G-Star and my misery. The result:

Training Time:8.15am
Length of Training Time: 43min 01sec
Intensity: 2
Calories Burnt: 346
Cal Fat: 29%

The day was spent in a bit of running around...general basically...with the standard afternoon fair of a run with the Bastardo to look forward to (not)...

Training Time:3.28pm
Length of Training Time: 35min 09sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 267
Cal Fat: 29%

Unfortunately it was at this point that the fat person injury started to kick in BIG, I think it was unrealistic to believe I would get through this entire 18 week fiasco without illness or injury and to date things have been progressing quite well...however it would appear that these fat little legs or at least the right fat little leg has started to give up the ghost and running is to put it bluntly, painful...unfortunately pain doesn't help a fatty like me lose weight and it is a case of pushing through the pain to the best of your ability... it is important that I don't f**k this up at this stage of the game so an appointment with the doctor is a must just to make sure it's nothing particularly serious...

Unfortunately, that was about it for the day...and with dinner out still to face I can't say I was feeling too hopeful for a really stellar day for the caloric deficit...

Eating out is a challenge at the best of the fat of times it is particularly complicated, in the midst of this madness, virtually impossible!!! That said, unlike the inmates of the Biggest Loser Camp/Ranch, life cannot stop just because you're fat and want to lose harking back to the Frittata Fiasco of last week there was a new strategy coming in to the eat out this evening...simple rule....ask.....ask the waiter....ask the manager.....ask the friggin Chef HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT??? and if the answer is with a f**king gallon on cream it is pretty safe to say...move on to the next item on the menu!!!

We take a break from our normal program for a FAT GURU thought of the day...

When dinning out DRINK WATER...GALLONS AND GALLONS of it...don't drink alcohol, don't drink soft drink....DRINK WATER! (brought to you by our sponsor H2O!!!)

So, with the menu before me and a lot of choice I opted for fish...always go for the fish...the fish was Barramundi (cooked in herbs and spices) with a garden salad and potato and cheese croquette...OK so needed to avoid the potato and cheese but otherwise ALL GOOD! When the meal arrived it was a good size - 4 small portions of Barra, two small potato like gems and a decent sized salad!! Score one for the fatty!!!

The evening entailed great conversation, fantastic friends (Peter and Coral!!) and so really, in the scheme of things the food pales into insignificance...which for a fatty is a good dessert - yes Genabler reared her evil head again but once again I resisted and a nice skinny latte to round out the evening!! Not bad fatty...not bad.

Although dreading tomorrow...the Tour de Fat (will explain in tomorrow's blog) my posse and I seem to be making some headway this week...under 100kg or BUST PEOPLE...OR BUST!!

Yours in fatness


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