Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 9 - Wednesday 7 July

I believe the term is certifiable and no doubt if further investigation was carried out on my fat little mind, well let's just say, it wouldn't be pretty...On a daily if not minute by minute basis I question my own sanity for having embarked upon this humiliating, torturous, dignity stripping, mind f**king path of fat unfortunately is no different to any other...

Out of bed and to Satan's Lair for the morning's session of ritual humiliation and torture...this morning a double header with a PT session and Trevive (remember I have mentioned this humiliation before...fat flies one way hands and legs's not an attractive sight people and even more humiliating given that others have the horror of witnessing what I believe is the television show dance yourself thin as a reality program at their very own gym)...things have actually gotten so bad that I am now eating my breakfast (Special K with no fat milk) at Satan's Lair...this is ridiculous I do have a home to go to!!!)

My peeps - Psycho Jess and Sally attempted to tempt me into using a new contraption that has been installed at Satan's Lair that looks like a high class hooker could charge an exorbitant amount of money to use on hangs from a mental hook, has straps and chaps and chains and...let's just say those days are long gone people...long graciously declining the invitation (I believe my words were something akin to F**K Off) it was PT and Trevive for the morning...

Training Time:7.55am
Type of Session: PT
Length of Training Time: 48min
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 312
Cal Fat: 30%

For the uninitiated Trevive is a unique little sadomasochistic session that involves cardio, weights, balance and ab work...all this conveniently delivered in a 45min group torture session by everyone's favourite pocket trainer (said with love) Treva!

Training Time:9.36am
Length of Training Time: 51min 15sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 275
Cal Fat: 37%

The intention was to return for stage three of the Tour De Fat in the afternoon but unfortunately my body and headache had other ideas...I recognise for the sheer enjoyment of my readers and continued ritual humiliation of myself I should attempt to push through these pescy little trifles but unfortunately the headache which was quickly evolving into a migraine got the better of me and the slumber cloud was calling very loudly to envelop my fat little aching body for the's it really for today....reflecting back on the week thus far it's been a pretty piss poor effort...I would have hoped by week 9 I would really be in to the full swing of this shit and being the f'athlete that I so obviously am would be regularly pulling 4 to 6 hours training per amusing thought!

Tomorrow's another day (of torture) with that in mind...

Yours in fatness


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