Thursday, July 29, 2010

Week 12 - to date...26-29 July

My Fat Gods I've been a shocking example of a Fat Guru over the past few weeks!!! Following the fat funk of July 2010 which tail ended the deep fat funk of June 2010 and the even deeper fat funk of May 2010 come to think of it...I have really let the blogging go downhill...wish I could say it was because I was working soooooo hard at Satan's Lair that I haven't had the time or energy to blog about my efforts but...well...that would just be a lie now wouldn't it people!!!

Having come back from my Winter Sojourn in Melbourne all zen like and determined week 11 seemed to be somewhat of a let down... alright from a PT perspective things were OK...trained hard, worked up a sweat etc etc but really that was about it...piked on group training....completely failed in the Tour de Fat and really, other than a short run on the Tuesday during which my f'athlete injury reared its ugly head once again the week sort of came and went without much to do or real effort come to think of it. This combined with a terrible case of MASSIVE WATER/FLUID Retention (a joy that most males go through their entire lives without experiencing) and Sunday came around and I was in no state, mental or physical to do a weigh in....coward...YES....but I really couldn't bring myself to disappoint for the fourth week in a row and NOT be under 100kg!!!

So...just because I can given this is MY GAME...I've decided I'm not weighing in this week...I'm going to give myself another week to attain that ever elusive double digit on the death dealers!!! This is not unprecedented in terms of the Biggest Loser competition with the Australian series giving contestants a weigh in free or expulsion free week nearing the end of each this is my week people!!

As I was pounding my fat little body into submission this morning (and not in a good way) I was trying to visualise the achievement of my objective...60kg and to be perfectly honest...I still can't. I know all the focus gurus tell you, VISUALISE...PICTURE SUCCESS...HOW WILL YOU FEEEEL WHEN YOU SLIP IN TO THOSE SIZE 12's.....

I don't f**king know how I will FEEEEL because I have been FAT my entire adult life!!! Imagination is one thing people but to me this is just la la land talk!!! At the moment, after 11 weeks of this somewhat tortuous experiment my one and only focus appears to be under 100kg and to be honest for the last 4 weeks I have let myself down week and week again...maybe it's psychological, maybe pathological, maybe I have simply convinced myself that being fat is easier??? I realise I am rambling but work with me people I have a significant lack of oxygen to the brain at the moment....

Tuesday and Wednesday came and went in a haze with only a mild effort on the exercise front being PT...although the Bastardo has stepped up the intensity to insanity levels I feel that the Bastardo and I have gotten in to a bit of a funk together...maybe I'm bored...maybe I'm boring (this I doubt given my obvious wit and humour!) but I am currently contemplating bringing in a new 'Jillian' type trainer for a few weeks to see if we can't really move some of this fat in a BIG WAY!! Just a thought...ponderings at the moment...

Anyhoo, today (being Thursday) was a complete and utter wipe out with no training due to...well due to lack of interest really...I am still at an absolute loss as to how the 'real' contestants on the Biggest Loser are able to maintain the perceived level of intensity as shown on the television for the entire competition because to be perfectly we all know I am yet to hit THAT level and would appear, for all intents and purposes to be going in the opposite direction!!

Adding to the fact that I am actually going to have to do actual WORK all next week...I mean actual 9-5 work...not at Satan's Lair...not just on my little fat experiment and things are looking really grim people...REALLY GRIM!!!!

The Fat Gods are really wreaking havoc with me at the moment...having come back from Melbourne on such a high...things have rapidly travelled downwards (and we're not talking about my weight people) in a matter of days...

Maybe I'm not cut out for this sort of thing...maybe FAT is actually MY THING (or THANG depending??) Maybe I need more positive reinforcement from my readers... people.... comments....suggestions.....abuse????

Alright...'nough said...I am off to ponder some more and hopefully by tomorrow I will have some more positive words of Fat Wisdom to regale you all with...I will also make at least one concerted effort to start blogging every day again...if only to bore you all senseless with my tales of fat woe...

Yours in continuing and perpetual over 100kg fatness


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