Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday 23 May - Weigh In

Well suffice to say as predicted the week ended on a very, very, very LOW note. As you can see from the charts (below) and as predicted my sizable arse would have been up for elimination AGAIN with a pathetic 0.2kg (yes you read that right 200g) weight loss for the week. Once again this puts me a miserable and very last LAST in the Australian competition and maintaining fifth (5th) last in the US comp.

AUS Comp

US Comp

Well HOW unexpected was that? As Gwen Stefani so eloquently put it "THIS SHIT IS BANANAS"

Well not bananas actually just reaping what I had put in to the week really. My efforts have been pitiful to say the least and on top of that I let myself go food wise - portion sizes too big when I did eat and not eating enough of the 'good stuff' in between.

Major objective for the coming week - week 3 - hit 4 hours training per day and start the food diary - need to work on a deficit (in terms of caloric intake/output).

The day and week has been a complete bust so there really isn't much point to rambling on any more...time to regroup.

Yours in fatness (and disappointment)


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