Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 4 - Monday 31 May

Well the day got off to a flying start with a bit of a new strategy in play. I found last week trying to crack out between 3 and 4 hours exercise in the morning left me absolutely rooted (and in desperate need of a Nana nap - if 2 hours constitutes a nap?#?) So the re-vised plan for week four is a) to eat something prior to workout 1 (that means first breakfast at 5.00am) then off to the gym for cardio and PT (2hours worth), home for second breakfast and then back to the gym for more cardio (1hour) home for lunch and work (possibly Nana nap) and back to gym for cardio (1 hour) - if I am holding up well enough then the plan is to go back to the gym with G-Star for an evening cardio session (1hour)...Well that was the plan and as we all know the best laid plans....

The day started off according to the strategy but then fell in one great big fat almighty slump...

Up and on the treadmill by 6.30 followed up by a PT and more treadmill saw the morning's efforts amount to the following:

Training Time:6.28am
Length of Training Time: 1 hour 12sec
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 620
Cal Fat: 24%

Training Time:7.33am
Length of Training Time: 31min 37sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 299
Cal Fat: 27%

Training Time:8.06am
Length of Training Time: 32min 07sec
Intensity: 2
Calories Burnt: 328
Cal Fat: 25%

So looking good you say...well that was really the end of it. Came home, had second breakfast with all the best intentions in the world and then...fell asleep for 2 and a half hours. By the time I emerged from my cave, the fat bear hibernation had set in and going back to the gym was a distant, distant memory.

Although by 5.30pm I had a little, and I mean very little, pep in my step and thought it might be challenging to step outside of my comfort zone and go to hot yoga with the G-Star (a professional Yogi from way back). Well that was just yet another embarrassment for the fat person with no flexibility. I spent 99% of the 1hour 15 min class in child's pose - you can actually read that as lying in the corner in a foetal position, rocking back and forward and sucking my fat thumb...not quite but nearly. I think I was thinking myself thinner and more flexible than I really doubt a common mistake for fat people. Anyhoo, lesson learnt...for the time being NO YOGA...I think Yoga is appropriate for the following types of people:
Fit and Fabulous
but definitely NOT the FAT AND NOT FLEXIBLE!

In spite of G-Star's never waining encouragement that I was really brave trying something new I felt in truth a real fat failure...not a positive outcome for a day that was already pretty ordinary to begin with!

Mental are not an elastic band.

Yours in fatness


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