Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 5 - Monday 7 June

So with hatred in my heart, a shocking headache and an infected throat you could fry eggs on I decided to prove my body wrong (200grams my sizable arse) and train like a woman possessed...this fat is coming off this body and it's coming off NOW!

So following the abysmal weigh in the day was going to be pain, torture and fat least that was the plan....

Training Time:7.33am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 04sec
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 606
Cal Fat: 25%

Training Time:8.55am
Length of Training Time: 36min 51sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 343
Cal Fat: 28%

Training Time:2.13pm
Length of Training Time: 1hour 12sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 510
Cal Fat: 34%

Training Time:4.14pm
Length of Training Time: 24min 24sec
Intensity: 1
Calories Burnt: 192
Cal Fat: 37%

Let's just talk about this last entry shall we as it highlights the completely f***ed mental state I am currently in... I decided in spite of my still sizable arse and all other body parts and that in spite of the fact that I can't seem to shift the fat from my body I have suddenly become a superstar of track, field, gym and wait for it....cycling...that's right I decided it was time to place my sizable arse on a bicycle seat that isn't big enough for an anorexic supermodel and pedal...what do I mean by this...RPM! And not just any RPM but the mother of all RPM's....with Trevor (more about him later). Well suffice to say my arse latest only slightly less time than my legs, arms, mind, stomach and oh well pretty much every part of me...that is about 9mins. That's's not a misprint...9 minutes...gee that was a really smart move given my already incredibly precarious mental state.

As I slunk my fat sorry arse away from the gym with the ever present, ever encouraging and ever delusional G-Star at my side I have come to a simple conclusion....I can't do this

Yours in fatness


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