Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 5 - Wednesday 9 June

Well the day started like any other not wanting to go to training, me convincing myself that this just simply isn't worth reinforcing the fact that the Biggest Loser Competition is in actual fact a pile of shit!

That said, I was marginally proud of the fact that I had at least attempted to conquer my psychosomatic infected throat with copious amounts of Betadine gargle, throat lozenges and garlic, horseradish and vitamin C tablets and for all intents and purposes appeared to have at least brought it down a notch or two to a barely 2 on the Richter throat soreness scale. So up and out of bed and making G-Star's breakfast then changed and off to Satan's Lair... I had already made the decision that I was not going to flog myself senseless today and attempt to be a little kind to myself (so unlike a Biggest Loser)...I decided a morning workout then a run with Bastardo in the afternoon and that would about cover my exercise for the day. All told the results were as follows:

Training Time:6.50am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 04sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 526
Cal Fat: 31%

Training Time:4.27pm
Length of Training Time: 33min 26sec
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 346
Cal Fat: 22%

This week I am attempting to go for quality as opposed to quantity in terms of my training regime and see if that has any positive (or negative) impacts. I have opted for this given that I believe that my 3/4hour training days over the previous week/s have done little if anything to really swing my fat loss into high gear. I think this is for a number of reasons:

1. I have been REALLY stupid about my caloric intake - in spite of all the knowledge and understanding I have about how my body does (and does not) work, I went into psycho weight loss territory and decided that excessive exercise and very little food = massive weight loss - Oh how wrong and stupid can one little fatty be???

2. In spite of all the 'hours' on the treadmill I have come to the conclusion that the intensity I have been 'working' at leaves an awful lot to be is very easy to convince oneself that you are working really, really hard and you can't work any harder because your little fat body hurts like buggery when your walking at 2km an hour on absolutely no incline! (Slight exaggeration but you get my gist!)

I have also come to the conclusion that where my exercise is concerned and in spite of the actual Biggest Loser's 'free spirit' program where you have to take full responsibility for your exercise regime whilst in the house (except for the 20-45mins PT for filming) I require more structure and logic to my workout torture particularly where cardio is concerned.

To this end, the G-Star, Bastardo and I sat down for a bit of a debrief this afternoon and it has been determined that we are going to formulate a series of 30-45min cardio workouts (around 5 in all) that I can adhere to when I am training by myself...I will keep track of how I am going against the workout regime and report back to the Bastardo weekly so we can 'up the ante' when necessary...I am hoping a more structured approach like this will work much better for me in terms of ensuring quality of training as opposed to half arsed quantity.

The day rounded out with a sauna and the first Management Committee meeting of the Women's Fat Club (read as dinner with G-Star, Jacks, B-Man and myself)...things are starting to heat up with the WFC and the first meeting date has been set down for Monday 12 July 2010 at 7.30pm (MARK IT IN YOUR DIARIES!!). Over the next few weeks I will write more about the concept of the WFC, what we are going to achieve and how other fatties (that's right it is a discrimination based club - fatties only NO FIT AND FABULOUS ALLOWED) can join in a get some really good, lifelong benefits out of being a member!

So all in all the day rounded out pretty much as planned. Not looking for a massive weight loss week this week (really can't handle too much more massive will really do my head in!) so in reality a 1-2kg loss this week would be step closer to the ever elusive under 100kg mark!

Until tomorrow....yours in fatness


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