Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week 5 - Saturday 12 June

Well the week is coming to an end and all in all it hasn't been the best or worst of weeks...Having upped the caloric intake to around the 1200-1500 mark per day and reduced the work outs to around 1-1 and 1/2 hours I really can't be expecting anything too stellar in the weight loss department this week.

As the weeks draw on I am coming to the conclusion that the Biggest Loser 'Competition' is for all intents and purposes 'entertainment' (and lets face it most of the time not even good entertainment) but in terms of being a 'reality' television program about weight loss that's stretching even the viewing public's limited grasp on reality a little bit too far.

I think it shows my delusions of grandeur thinking that I could, in spite of all my efforts, pull weight loss weeks of 5,10,15kg....obviously the false environment of Camp/Ranch Biggest Loser delivers something that I simply cannot replicate in this 'on the outside' experiment. That's not to say I am going to give up trying...with the week that saw me battling a close call with the flu, staving off an infected throat and really just pretty much feeling completely shitty for the entire week it is completely unrealistic to expect any massive weight loss to show on the scales tomorrow.

That said the day's efforts at training were, to say the least IMPRESSIVE...we have firmly established that Bastardo is, in actuality, attempting to kill me and take the G-Star into the bowels of Satan's Lair just for the hell of it...but even he out did himself this morning. We kicked off at 8.00am for a cardio box session which really was nearly 45mins of sheer unadulterated hell...this was then backed up by a further 20mins of high intensity torture when the Bastard decided that since he was not going to have my delightful company for a few days (due to the long weekend) that he really needed his daily 'run' fix...

So all in all the morning's wanderings through Satan's Lair played out a bit like this:

Training Time:8.09am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 10min 07sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 705
Cal Fat: 24%

After breakfast (our usually Saturday morning 'treat' whilst still watching the calories) I came home and well...passed out for about 2 hours. I am finding that sleep is becoming INCREDIBLY important to me due to the fact that well...basically...I can't move any part of my body without pain (perhaps a slight exaggeration but hell, its my story to tell!).

The G-Star decided my ritual humiliation and torture had not been complete for the day and so off to the Hellfire once again for another 30min cardio session which although very slow burn (as I physically could not convince my shins or any other part of my body for that matter to run) resulted in:

Training Time:3.26pm
Length of Training Time: 31min 12sec
Intensity: 1-2
Calories Burnt: 264
Cal Fat: 34%

So all in all in spite of a fairly ordinary week and a real sense of failure stemming from my previous week's efforts, I have a small level of confidence that this week will at least see me step a little closer to the ever elusive under 100kg's hoping...

Until weigh in tomorrow

Yours in fatness


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