Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 7 - Monday 21 June

A New Attitude (wasn't that a Donna Summers song?) that's what is called for as we enter week dismal weight loss to date has left me feeling somewhat of a 'loser' and not in a good sense with a weight loss for the first 6 weeks of the competition placing me a serious last.

I must admit I am finding it incredibly challenging to get my head around the 4-6 hours of exercise per day (7 days per week) particularly given that the bulk of that time the Biggest Loser contestants are required to train themselves to an intensity that will result in massive weight loss.

OK coming clean my food intake has not over the past 6 weeks been 100% without a doubt the most perfect caloric intake choices possible...I still have a hankering for my organic butter (mmmm b...u....t....t...e.....r) and in spite of the 'loser' mantra that carbs are bad I have still been incorporating a certain level of carbs in my diet. Still having serves of potato, rice, cous cous etc but in my defence (if I really require one) my portion sizes have been exceptionally good.

Today started out with a plan (not a good one and not a written down one...which as we will find out is a major problem) but a plan none the less. The plan was to crack out 4 hours (doesn't this sound like a broken record???) So off to Satan's Lair at 7.00am...

Training Time:7.08am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 01min 19sec
Intensity: 2-3
Calories Burnt: 605
Cal Fat: 22%

We're off and running (literally and figuratively) so needing to stick to the ethereal plan...headed back to Satan's Lair for a slow burn:

Training Time:11.19am
Length of Training Time: 1hour 08sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 538
Cal Fat: 27%

Two hours down...two to go....oh my evil plan is coming together....and that's when it all fell apart...

Having laid down for my Nana nap was the death knell of 'The Plan' for the day...could have seen that coming couldn't you...having slept (fitfully) for an hour and a half it took every ounce of my being to drag my fat sorry arse out of bed and back to Satan's Lair for a run with the G-Star...

Training Time:4.04pm
Length of Training Time: 35min 13sec
Intensity: 1-3
Calories Burnt: 394
Cal Fat: 25%

And that was the end of legs rendered virtually useless to carry my still hefty frame mind and body... or maybe just mind telling the body...that was me for the day...oh the ever elusive 4hours...let's not even dare to dream about 5 or 6 hours...that's just crazy talk!

The day rounded out with a food blow out of Wholegrain Premiums (8 in total) with organic butter (mmmmm b....u....t.....t.....e.....r) and Vegemite.....

All in all another crap day NOT in the house....until tomorrow

Yours in fatness


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